Follow The Recipe

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Category : kotlin   refactoring

Birthday turtle

Today is your best friends birthday and she asked you to buy a turtle as a present. The problem is you have never seen a real turtle before. The only thing you know about turtles is that they can swim, have four legs and are reptiles. As you walk into the petstore you see a lot of different species of animals. You decide to write a simple program to determine whether an animal is a turtle or not.

The program you write looks something like this:

fun isTurtle() {
    var isTurle:Boolean = false
    if(canSwim()) {
        if(hasFourLegs()) {
            if(isReptile()) {
                isTurtle = true
            } else {
                isTurtle = false
        } else {
            isTurtle = false
    } else {
        isTurle = false

    return isTurtle

Maintenance nightmare

After having checked all animals in the shop you are still left with two. They both can swim, have four legs and are reptiles.

You try to add one more condition, but because there are so many conditions already you find it hard to modify your program. You want to make sure you don’t make any mistake. The horror if your present happens to be a crocodile and the guests will be eaten instead of the cake.

How would you change the code to make this program more readable?

Refactor to a recipe

The first thing you realize is that when an animal cannot swim it cannot be a turtle. Therefore we can safely take out te canSwim() condition and use an early return when the animal cannot swim.

fun isTurtle() {

    // Check whether current animal can swim or not.
        return false // If the animal can't swim, we are done.

    // From now on we know that we are dealing with an animal that can swim

    var isTurle:Boolean = false

    // Therefore we don't have to check whether the turtle can swim anymore, so we remove the check.

    if(hasFourLegs()) {
        if(isReptile()) {
            isTurtle = true
        } else {
            isTurtle = false
    } else {
        isTurtle = false

    return isTurtle

After you have rewritten the checks on canSwim() it becomes clear you can do the same with the check on hasFourLegs() as well.

fun isTurtle() {

        return false

        return false

    var isTurle:Boolean = false

    if(isReptile()) {
        isTurtle = true
    } else {
        isTurtle = false

    return isTurtle

You already cleaned up your code a lot. Only the check on isReptile() is left.

fun isTurtle() {

        return false

        return false

        return false
    // When this part is reached, we know our animal can swim, has four legs and is a reptile and therefore (probably) is a turtle.

    return true

Adding new requirements

Finally to distinguish the turtle from the crocodile you come up with one final check. Does the animal have a shell? Now that you have written your code like a recipe it becomes trivial for you to add this new condition. A recipe can easily be read from top to bottom.

fun isTurtle() {

        return false

        return false

        return false

    // Distinguish between turtles en crocodiles
        return false

    return true

Now you know the basics of rewriting a nested solution to a recipe. In this particular case there is an even more clean solution.

fun isTurtle() {
    return canSwim() && hasFourLegs() && isReptile() && hasShell()

But, aren’t early returns a bad thing?

Some would argue that early returns make your code harder to understand because there are multiple places where you method could end. In my experience this is never a problem until your methods become very long and complex. When this happens you should probably deal with those long methods instead i.e. by reducing their length and complexity first.

The Recipe

The general recipe is as follows:

  1. Try to do X
  2. If X didn’t work -> stop
  3. continue with the assumption that X worked

In the following example you can see this pattern at work. The fridge in this example is a simple state machine and all illegal transitions will throw an exception.

You can try this code out by copying it to the kotlin playground

fun main() {
    val fridge = Fridge()

class Fridge {

    var isOpen: Boolean = false
    var isEmpty: Boolean = true

    fun open() {
            throw IllegalStateException("Unable to open an already opened fridge")

        isOpen = true
        println("Fridge opened")

    fun close() {
            throw IllegalStateException("Unable to close an already closed fridge")

        isOpen = false
        println("Fridge closed")

    fun putElephantInFridge() {
            throw IllegalStateException("Unable to put elephant in a closed fridge")

            throw IllegalStateException("Unable to put elephant in fridge because there is no room left")

        isEmpty = false
        println("Elephant put in fridge")

    fun takeElephantFromFridge() {
            throw IllegalStateException("Unable to take an elephant from a close fridge")

            throw IllegalStateException("There is no elephant to take out of the fridge")

        isEmpty = true
        println("Elephant taken from fridge")


To Clean up this code even further, you can use Kotlins require(value:Boolean) and check(value:Boolen) methods. These methods assert that a certain condition has been met and throw an IllegalArgumentException or IllegalStateException when it hasn’t been. Let’s see how our fridge looks like with the right checks. Notice that the condition has been negated and only throws an exception when the condition is false.

fun main() {
    val fridge = Fridge()

class Fridge {

    var isOpen: Boolean = false
    var isEmpty: Boolean = true

    fun open() {
        check(!isOpen) { "Unable to open an already opened fridge" }

        isOpen = true
        println("Fridge opened")

    fun close() {
        check(isOpen) { "Unable to close an already closed fridge" }

        isOpen = false
        println("Fridge closed")

    fun putElephantInFridge() {
        check(isOpen) { "Unable to put elephant in a closed fridge" }

        check(isEmpty) { "Unable to put elephant in fridge because there is no room left" }

        isEmpty = false
        println("Elephant put in fridge")

    fun takeElephantFromFridge() {
        check(isOpen) { "Unable to take an elephant from a close fridge" }

        check(!isEmpty) { "There is no elephant to take out of the fridge" }

        isEmpty = true
        println("Elephant taken from fridge")

Today you learned how to write software like you write a recipe. I hope it tastes good.

About Gideon Hoogeveen

Hi, my name is Gideon Hoogeveen. I talk about clean code in Kotlin

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